Sunday, January 20, 2008


Happy new year (long belatedly).

Last night I came across a book which I commend to all. From Dumbo Press right here in Brooklyn: "The Benevolent Accomplishments of George Walker Bush." I just couldn't put it down. It has stellar reviews from Blair and Rice. I urge everyone not only to get this book and read it, but then write a lengthy paper on this work. If I had still been following an old career path and were teaching American government, I would put this book on my syllabus for any advanced-level class on the modern presidency. Read this book.

And now some word association:

Bobby Fischer - The chess genius turned rabid anti-Semite. Made his claim to fame in (and eventually died in) Rekjavik, Iceland.

Rekjavik: Passed through there once coming to and from Europe. The Icelandic national drink is called Brenavin, which is something like liquid rye bread. The topography of largely volcanic Iceland looks something like the moon.

The Moon: Did you know that in a footnote to a U.S. Court of Appeals decision, there was reference to watching "Space: 1999" reruns as a form of possible torture?

Torture: My man Biden (see an earlier post) is now out. Oprah and Tyra are sure doing a great job as presidential gatekeepers. Why is Edwards the only one of the three left who is making it clear Guantanamo should be closed?

Guantanamo: Even though its under the firm control of the U.S. military, the Supremes have held that Guantanamo is not part of the United States. It's in Cuba. The only Spanish-speaking country from which its emigres are not considered "illegal immigrants", even though they have no more documentation than Mexicans, Salvadorans, Dominicans and the like.

Dominicans: I want Willie Randolph to do to Jose Reyes this year exactly what the manager did to "Willie Mays Hayes" in Major League. Hit a pop up, then hit the ground and give him 20.

Major League: The star pitcher came out of the California Penal League. In view of the recent hearings, that may have been prophetic.

Prophetic movies: Who can watch Reality TV this morning and not say that Howard Beale and Network didn't have it spot-on?

The Brahmin