Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Milledge People

I will miss the "Milledge People" - three or four fans at Shea who dressed up like the minstrels of "YMCA" and "Macho Man" in the 1970's - now that Lastings is gone. Maybe they will christen the new park in D.C.

My first thoughts were vehemently against this trade - I mean, maybe Milledge is not Roberto Clemente, but he does have an upside. Do either Ryan Church or Brian Schneider? Also, a Castro/Estrada backstop combo has much more pop than a Castro/Schneider duo.

Sleeping on it, this might not be such a bad move. Making Estrada expendable could make him part of a package for a Blanton or Haren, and even though Schneider's bat isn't explosive, having an A.L.-style starting lineup didn't get us to a WS as the N.L. representative for two years running.

Lastly, the cynic in me wonders whether Milledge has more baggage about to come out, and the time bomb is boarding the southbound Acela (though I don't see Omar as a guy who'd booby trap his former organization).

Not the only move that has to be made, but perhaps there are manipulations being made (of which this is a small part) that we aren't aware of...yet.

The Brahmin

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